Stella's interrogation by the dread Amazonian mind-probe was to have been a much longer scene than that visible in the final movie too, the set and props required were built at great cost, but in the end only made a fleeting appearance due to very poor lighting of the scene.  The Amazon sequence would be re-filmed later on in production, with the kung fu fight scene and other alterations shot instead.

A number of scenes were shot for Luigi Cozzi's classic that ended up Starcrash-ing on the cutting room floor, due to budgetary or time constraints, storyline changes, and special effects sequences deemed unsatisfactory.

For instance, Stella Star's prison escape was originally envisaged as a far greater sequence involving her pursuit by fantastic Viton energy beasts, a perilous plunge into quicksand, and encounters with a brontosaurus beast and a deadly giant crab.  These last scenarios were written in at a producers insistance that Starcrash incorporate some elements of the then-popluar
The Land That Time Forgot.

These rare photographs give some insight into what might have been, the holy grail of Starcrash lost footage, and it is hopeful that some of these shots will be made public with the forthcoming Shout Factory! blu-ray/dvd release ...

Click images to

Armando Valcauda's beast from the depths transpired to be a dead crab fitted with an armature ...

The original Amazon planet sequence was originally extended to include, at great cost, horses dressed in other-worldly masks.

<<<The scene was trimmed, as Luigi Cozzi's note to the left illustrates ...
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Nadia Cassini's part in the movie was expanded somewhat after impressing with her enthusiasm and gusto for the project.  A death scene for her character was apparently filmed, as this still illustrates, but little is known as to how the nefarious Queen Corellia actually bit the cosmic dust...
After escaping from prison, Stella shoots rifle rays at a giant swamp creature in another scene cut from the movie.

* Stella Star's luscious legs weren't the only out-of-this-world limbs on show *
it's interesting to speculate exactly what in the universe
THIS unseen critter was...